College Name: Velammal Engineering College
Event :MATLAB interfaced ARM Controller with Real Time Applications
About Event: The objective of the workshop is to impart knowledge on ARM microcontrollers with MATLAB interfacing in connection with real time applications in various fields of Engineering & Technology. The workshop covers basic working of ARM processors and Programming ARM using Matlab-Simulink Programs. The objective of the workshop is to impart knowledge on ARM microcontrollers with MATLAB interfacing in connection with real time applications in various fields of Engineering &Technology.The workshop covers basic working of ARM processors and Programming ARM using Matlab-Simulink Programs
- Introduction to Matlab & Simulink
- Introduction to ARMLPC2148
- Introduction to Keil compiler
- Blinking an LED with Matlab InterfacedARMLPC2148
- Switch / IR sensor Interfaced with ARM
- UART serial programming in ARM
- Analog to Digital interface with ARM & MaTlab
- Temperature Sensor Interface
- Digital to Analog & Analog to Digital interface with ARM & MaTlab
- PWM & Analog to Digital interface with ARM & MaTlab
- DC motor direction control interface with ARM & MaTlab
- DC Motor PWM Speed control using L293D interface with ARM & MaTlab