
College Name: Loyola Institute of Technology

Event Name: Seven Days FDTP on Knowledge Engineering

Event Date : 23rd – 29th November 2015

  • Language of first order Logic
  • Syntax, Semantics Pragmatics 
  • Expressing Knowledge & Acquisition and Sharing 
  • Ontologies, Language Patterns
  • Rules in Production, Description Logic 
  • Taxonomies and Classification, 
  • Strategies for Defeasible Inheritance
  • Fuzzy Logic, Nonmontonic Logic
  • Auto epistemic Logic, Vagueness 
  • Uncertainty and Degrees of Belief
  • Objective and Subjective Probability.
  • Encapsulating Objects in Context 
  • Agents, Actions, Situational Calculus
  • Frame Problem, Complex Actions
Important Dates: 
  • Submission of Application (by online / post) : 17-11-2015
  • Intimation of selection (by E-mail) : 18-11-2015
  • Confirmation of Participation : 20-11-2015
For More Details: Clickhere

Dr. G.Manikandan, Professor & Head,
Department of Information Technology,
Loyola Institute of Technology, Nazerthpet Post, 
Chennai-600 123. Contact no: 9444749744
E-mail id: itdeptlit@gmail.com

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